Protection Services
We procure and dispatch personnel to protect your site, event, or retail business. We also have specialist that perform executive protection, patrol services, entry/crowd control, and contraband sweeps. We don't just deploy personnel, we deploy a system.
Professional, reliable, experienced, and trained security officers will stand guard to protect your site, office, event, or retail space. State of the art supervisory monitoring techniques ensure that officers dispatched by RDL are performing as specified. Comprehensive reports and measurement of key performance indicators demonstrate our effectiveness.
Executives, High Net Worth Individuals, and Widely Recognizable Individuals need protection from security specialist with a special set of skills. Our Close Protection Professionals are highly experienced and battle tested. They will be close enough to protect, but far enough that you won't have to introduce them. Each executive protection client receives a threat assessment, protection plan, and personnel.
Patrol is one of the best tools used for deterrence and order maintenance. RDL patrol services increases the likelihood that an adversary will be detected and provides a capable guardian for response.
Controlling movement, whether in an office building lobby or at a National Special Security Event, is vital to any security operation. RDL will integrate our entry and crowd control activities within your organizations overarching access control policies. Our goal is to maintain safety & convenience, will maximizing throughput.
Keeping out unwanted items and materials from your site is just as important as keeping out unwanted people. RDL can deploy the most advanced screening techniques, along with highly experienced personnel.